
Men Who Talk Heal

Stigma has been reported as an massive deterrent for men seeking help for mental health problems, this is amplified more due to men being concerned about what other men will think or say.


Construction Industry workers died by suicide in the year 21/22


35% of men are diagnosed with a mental health condition

Biggest Killer

Suicide is the biggest killer of men under 35 and men over 50

Raising your self-awareness

ALL MEN go through challenging times and it's normal to react with negative emotions when facing them.

Our life experiences, upbringing, environment and habits all affect our mental health and wellbeing influencing how we think, behave and react to situations.

ALL MEN are different, some of us are more deeply affected by events than others and depending on if we seek support or not those events can impact other areas of our life.

It’s important to connect with others, make space and share experiences so ALL MEN feel heard, valued and supported without the stigma of judgement and shame.

A conversation can be the turning point you need to silence the negative thoughts and focusing on the positive ones.

The more men share their experiences with mental health, the more other men are able to recognise their own problems and feel comfortable to seek the support they need. 

Important Links

Mind  0300 123 3393

Young Minds

Papyrus  0800 068 4141

Calm Zone 0800 585858


Heads together