Episode 8 Prison reform charity
This week I chatted with Marc who after serving multiple prison sentences decided he need to change his criminal ways. He transferred to a therapeutic prison where he started to work on rehabilitating his mindset, developing and understand why he though and behaved the way he did to be able to break the cycle of repeat offending. Marc now works for a prison reform charity helping to support offenders to be rehabilitated into not re-offending and change the way they view themselves. Marc shares his story which helped him to make the transition from criminal to earning a degree placing him in a position to help reform prisoners, injustices, fighting for prisoners rights against the government policies through his work with the prison reform service. Marc is a firm believer in restorative and therapeutic practices and the greater sense of self it can provide. He also believes that time should be invested into changing social norms because they are been a huge driver in why people offend.
Marc can be found on twitter @Marcconway80.
Lee can be found on Instagram @thestrugglingmindpodcast and @leeandersoncoaching and LinkedIn leeandersoncoaching www.leeandersoncoaching.com For any inquiries regarding Life coaching or mentoring from Lee please email lee@leeandersoncoaching.com
If you've been affected by any of the issues mentioned in any of the episodes, you may find these organisations helpful; Mind Charity, Samaritans, NHS Mental Health, Papyrus, Crus Bereavement, Victim support, Narcotics Anonymous, Alcoholics Anonymous, Prisonreformservice.org
Music credit 'check it out' by Mountaineer